My learning experience in this course was great, naturally. I was successful with learning new ways to engage and empower my future students when teaching social studies and I had fun doing it.
I learned that if I push myself, I am capable of anything. In the beginning of this class I did not want anything to do with social studies and I was intimidated to teach it. Now, after all we have been through, I am feeling confident that I would make a pretty good social studies teacher.
You learn through teaching what you don’t already know. The students learn from us teachers and we learn from our students. It is like having the best of both worlds. I get to see everything in this world through not only my eyes but through the eyes of my students, and that makes it all worth it in the end. Losing my father this semester has been horrific, and all of my co students and professor of this course have been so wonderful and supportive. I do not think I would have made it through this semester without my peers. Even if it was just a hug, a card, food was made for me, mass cards, and not to mention some of you even came to my father’s funeral. You have no idea how much that meant to me. People just don’t do these things. I am humbled and greatly appreciative of all of my friends I have made in this class. I love all of you.
With that being said, I have learned more about social studies and now feel more prepared than ever to enter a classroom. I plan on having all kinds of social studies lessons direct and indirect alilke. I plan on doing treasure hunts and scavenger hunts and artifact bags. I plan on doing jigsaws and SMART board activities. We all have done some amazing things in our unit plans and I fully intend on ‘borrowing’ all of your ideas!!!!!!
Even though I am relieved this semester is coming to an end, I am going to miss my peers the most. Thank you all for EVERYTHING you have done, no good deed goes unnoticed.
God Bless all of you, and I wish you all well on journeys to becoming the most amazing group of teachers I have ever met!!!!!! And That’s all folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!